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The Piggies

Four Pigs live on the Lemon Lane Farm:
Herbert, George, Rooney, & Weezie

Herbert! Lemon Lane’s OG Pig:

Herbie is the original star of Lemon Lane. How could he not be? Look at that face. He was raised by a wonderful woman named Grayson who raised money to rescue him from being fed to a large snake in a reptile show. She did an exceptional job at raising him. Some pigs can be quite grumpy, but thanks to Grayson he is the sweetest boy!

Since she was in college at the time, Grayson kept Herbert at her grandmother's house, who happened to live down the street from Amy in East Nashville. Every day (sometimes more than once a day), Amy would walk down the street to see him.

After some time, they wanted Herbert to have more room to spread out and relax. They told Amy that he would soon be moved to a petting zoo. Amy told them she MUST have Herbert and promised she would give him a fulfilling life. After moving to Lemon Lane, it was clear that he would thrive with a free-range lifestyle. Herbert now enjoys roaming the grounds of Lemon Lane, eating fresh food from the garden, and makes lots of friends with guests.

Meet George! - the second pig:

Sweet George came to Lemon Lane after living with a few families. The parents of his first family got divorced. George’s second family quickly realized they really weren’t set up to keep a potbelly pig either, so they started looking for a new home with no luck. They came to Amy for help.

Amy had an idea! While Lemon Lane did not need another pig (because sometimes one pig doesn’t like the other pig), she knew another family that had been wanting a pig! So…Amy decided to go meet George in-person to make sure he was a good little piggie before she recommended the other family add him to their family.

Something really special happened when Amy met George! There was a look in George’s eye that gave Amy have an instant connection - and he seemed to be asking Amy to help him find a new home. But before she knew it, George laid down for a belly rub right at Amy’s feet! (George’s current family had never given him a belly rub AND they didn’t even know he liked belly rubs!) Soon, it was time for Amy to go home. As she walked along the fence back to her car, George followed Amy as far as he could and looked up at her as to say “please come back and get me.

It turned out that the family that was going to adopt George couldn’t build a barn right away, so Amy decided to keep George until he had a nice new barn. The next day, George’s current family was driving him to Lemon Lane when all of a sudden George jumped out of the truck that was going 60mph!

Amy’s phone rang. It was the family calling to tell Amy what George had done! Amy said, please bring him here to Lemon Lane and I will call the vet. Both George and the vet got to the farm at the same time! The vet helped George get to the animal hospital. Amy visited George as often as she could.

After several weeks of healing, George was able to return to Lemon Lane. He knew Amy very well by then because she had visited him so often. Once George got to the farm at Lemon Lane, he knew he had found his forever home. Sure, Herbie and George are grouchy with each other sometimes, but over all, they are the happiest piggies in Grandview, Tennessee!

Finally, a Lady Piggie to shake things up a bit… Welcome Miss Weezie!

In the heartwarming tale of triumph over adversity, a once frail and malnourished 2-year-old pig named Weezie has found her salvation at Lemon Lane Farm. Rescued from a life marred by squalor and neglect, Weezie's story is a testament to the transformative power of love, care, and second chances.

You can read Weezie’s full story here.

And then came Mickey Rooney Calhoun (Rooney)!

Rooney was found on hwy 40 after he jumped out of a truck, the driver kept driving. (What makes pigs decide to jump out of trucks?… and, we won’t even talk about the *****’s that kept driving.)

Two of the nicest Tennessee State Troopers found Rooney and drove him to the animal hospital right away! Rooney was very lucky to be found so soon. He was pretty scared because he didn’t know where he was. The vet and nurses at the animal hospital remembered Amy and knew she loved pigs and had a very nice place for them to live. So, they contacted Amy to see if she might want this piggie, too. Of course, Amy said YES!

Amy visited Rooney in the hospital just like she did George. They got to know each other very well. Rooney is healing well and LOVING his new life at Lemon Lane Farm!