Lemon Lane Farm

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Pancho & Lefty (Part I) - The Hug

“Feel the presence of love wrapped up within a hug” - Robert M. Hensel

Today was the day. I finally mustered up the courage to hug Pancho and Lefty, the rescued donkeys here at Lemon Lane Farm. If you are an animal lover, then I do not need to explain any further as to why I would be hugging donkeys. But if not, perhaps this makes sense to you.  Amy, the owner of Lemon Lane Farm mentioned that the donkeys like to be hugged. My brain thought, why not?  If human hugs and pet hugs feel wonderful, wouldn’t donkeys hugs too?

Although I have been around donkeys before, their size, unpredictability and also my lack of knowledge all contribute to a great uneasiness with these magnificent creatures. Of course I am well aware that Pancho and Lefty will immediately sense the energy of my mind, body, heart and soul as I approach their pasture.

I am sincerely hoping what they sense most of all is understanding, respect and love.

Pancho and Lefty are on the far end of the pasture as I approach the fence. This gives me some peace knowing that there is space between us. I unhook the chain and open the gate with just enough space so my body can slide through sideways. I nervously begin my journey across the pasture towards the adorable duo. Each of us watching one another closely. I compliment Pancho and Lefty on their handsomeness and how much I love their fuzzy ears. Lefty, the smaller donkey, is feeling a little uneasy about my presence and walks away

Pancho on the other hand is curious about the new human in his territory. I stand perfectly still as he cautiously sniffs me with his flaring his nostrils. I slowly reach out my hand and pet Pancho’s neck. He then moves a few inches closer, so I pet the side of his face. And then, just like that, he leans into me for a hug with his head down. With my arm around his neck and our faces side by side, I embrace his warmth and love. I steady myself because the weight of his body is now leaning against me.  Pancho’s lashes tickle my face and he looks at me with his beautiful soulful eyes. My heart melts with love and gratitude for this moment, for this magnificent 800 pound donkey hug!

Have you hugged an animal today?

Written by Kim Marie Dalton